I am SAD today ...really I am. We 35 guys came from West Bengal to Chennai... young, entusiastic, dream in eyes and now only I am left, staying still in Chennai. Everybody left ...everybody. Today one of my mansion mate(last bengali)is leaving and as he said I guess he is leaving permanently leaving his job :(.
I remember those early days now... lively, full of fun, training in SlashSupport was awesome. Excellent guys, and we have heard some trainers of Slash commented that this is the best batch in training ever in Slash. Yes really we were.
But the good things didnt last long. We seperated, somebody like me joined Sutherland. Some continued in SlashSupport.
Time passed and we started feeling homesick. Tamilnadu seems to be a foreign country me. The main problem here is lack of ability of adoptability of people. People are too conservative and self-community-centered. Language is one major problem apart from that food is also a problem.
I am still surviving and with this new job I will stay here and no plan to leave now. But I feel very alone, like lost in the woods.
Now again I recall what this BPO industry have to give to youth(most of my friends used to work in call centers) ... They are really ruining Indian youth, it's dismantalling a whole generation. And I hear that someday after 10-20 years our then President will utter "Opening too many BPO industry was a Historical Mistake" like our formar Chief Misinster Mr. Jyoti Basu commented, on the issue of abolishing English at school level syllabus in early 80's that eventually paralised a whole bengali generation and we are suffering now.
I feel lonely at the same time scared too .